Fasting = Resting
Whether you wish to overcome a specific health issue, go through a detoxification, or just generally perk up your health and cleanse your system, the best way to do so is to take part in the deep rest known as fasting.DR. GRAHAM'S GOAL IN SUPERVISING A FAST IS TO KEEP IT AS SHORT AS POSSIBLE WHILE MAKING SURE IT IS AS LONG AS NECESSARY.
To some extent, experience allows a fasting supervisor to give a rough estimate of how long a fast any particular individual would best benefit from, with the full understanding that we always fast just one day at a time, taking each day as it comes.
The idea is that your body works perfectly and knows what to do in regards to healing itself, and that it will do so perfectly if simply given the appropriate substances, forces, influences, and conditions. In Costa Rica this February, Dr. Graham will be giving you that opportunity.
2025 dates: ~ end Jan - Mar
Is fasting for you?
Do you want to awaken refreshed each morning without an alarm clock?
Do you suffer from a degenerative disease?
Do you want to look healthier, younger, and more vibrant?
Do you work a fast-paced job or live in a city?
Do you have lifestyle habits you wish to change?
Do you find yourself saying "I used to be able to" more often than you'd like?
Do you want a new competitive edge in your chosen sport?
If you answered yes to any of these, you should consider a fast.